Send something back this week

The secret to quality is in the finest of all details. A fantastic design is completely vetted, with no imperfections allowed. A winning sales report contains great assumptions, perfect math and has easy to understand metrics and narrative. None of these attributes come easily. Often, designs or products or documents must go through several versions …

Cut down the URL to just a few characters

Do you have a problem with long URLs when you write newsletters or emails? Do they wrap around, take several lines or sometimes get cut off? This can happen all the time when you are promoting Amazon books (their URLs are really long sometimes), Ebay items, Facebook pages, etc. This is especially true if you …

Go Google yourself

Whether you have your own business or work for one, you need to know what’s being said about it in cyberspace. When is the last time you Googled yourself? Take one hour this week and enter your name or your business name (in quotation marks so it limits the search results to an exact match). …

Rethink your measuring stick

How do you evaluate the results of your marketing or advertising? This should be a fluid subject, never over, never mastered. However you measure your marketing’s results, chances are you are wrong! Too often, we measure with the shortest stick possible, and determine that over half of all of marketing/ads are wasted. A few years …

Refresh your testimonials

I’ll never forget how he said it: “Are you telling me that we have NO current clients that are happy with us?” Anil Singh, former sales and marketing chief at Yahoo!, was having a bad day at work. It was mid-2001, and we were working on our response to Holly Becker @ Lehman’s charge that …

Always consider the audience

One of my friends was astounded that the “Mouse beats up guy” Doritos Super Bowl Ad was ranked so highly. It wasn’t likeable, didn’t show the product being enjoyed and had no call to action. That’s three no-no’s. The reason the Doritos ad worked (and will lead to incremental product sales) is because it appealed …

Check out my discussion with Seth Godin

Yesterday I participated on a call with aurhor and blogger Seth Godin. We talked about marketing, blogging, branding and his new book, Meatball Sundae. Check out the audio recording of the conversation.

Grab the Santa opportunity

I’ve always been raised to believe that there are certain days, or times of year, where you have a license to perform random acts of kindness. If it is someone’s birthday, you have a platform to show them how much they mean to you. If it is Christmas week, you have an excuse to give …

Keep your business real

Pine and Gilmore are back. They changed the world, and flipped my mind, with The Experience Economy. They argued, succesfully, that the customer is loyal to an experience and fickle to a high quality service or product. Moreover, they suggested that we aren’t working on the right things at business: staging, using products as platforms …

Be an old friend instead of a bridge troll

I spoke at a marketing conference yesterday in El Salvador. The county is experiencing rapid growth in broadband internet penetration as well as mass media products. As a result, soon most people will have too much media to choose from. Additionally, the upper middle class is starting to get access to digital video recorders and …