Keep your business real

Pine and Gilmore are back. They changed the world, and flipped my mind, with The Experience Economy.

They argued, succesfully, that the customer is loyal to an experience and fickle to a high quality service or product. Moreover, they suggested that we aren’t working on the right things at business: staging, using products as platforms and products as a stage to create an experience.

They’ve done it again with their follow-up, Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want.

This book is full of great research and even better advice on how to either preserve or restore the realness of your company’s brand. For some, it will be a sobering wakeupu call. For others, it will shape the way you think about marketing for the next few years.

Reality TV’s rise is fueled by the same sentiment that is causing customers to choose authentic over phony, and know the difference! My research jives with theirs: The number one psychological need today in America is authenticity. We hunger for it, we fear we cannot attain it. That’s why Pine and Gilmore have hit on something big here.

Check out this video clip, where I taped them talking about this concept back in 2002!
Pine And Gilmore crash a conversation at ThinkAbout