Let the sun shine in

Do you work in the dark? If you are a leader, do your people work in the dark? Recently, I’ve been studying the impact on light and productivity. I was looking into whether natural light improves our mood state (which would improve our business effectiveness). Not surprisingly, we are a product of our environment. Much …

Only make new mistakes

I’ve heard this advice from psychologists, clergy and thought leaders: It’s ok to make a mistake, just make new mistakes! The idea is that repetitive errors are the errors that doom us to failure. Frequently, we miscalculate human nature, try something and it turns out to be a disaster. Then our ego gets the best …

Be thoughtful, but imperfect

Laurie David (An Inconvenient Truth) has a saying, “perfection is the enemy of good.” She’s right. If you hold yourself up to a standard of perfection, you’ll fail and give up every time. Sometimes, especially when you are trying to do the right thing, you need to give yourself a break. If you are trying …

Tell someone you are fully committed

Before you week is over, tell someone you can’t. That’s right, just say no. Don’t let people delegate to you when you are full of your own plans. Just think about this for a few minutes. Have you been enlisted to do things this week? I have. Drive this to that place, go to this …

Work four hours a week

Yep, you heard me, work only four hours a week! This is the message of wunderkind entrepreneur and author Timothy Ferriss. His new book, The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join The New Rich just came out today and it is burning up Amazon. His concept is simple; go on a low information …

Honor promise dates, not deadlines

A great deal of our professional reputation is built or lost in our execution of projects. We get involved in a task and either meet or miss a deadline. Some people have great time management skills, others have “eyes too big for their stomach.” At the end of the day, if you are dinged as …

Smile like you mean it

In the game of life, you have to smile your way to the goal line. Last night, on American Idol, smiling was the key to vote getting. In my book, The Likeability Factor, I argue that friendliness is the key to being likeable. A big part of that is decoded by others based on the …

On Monday, thank someone for last week’s contributions (Part 2)

About 10 years ago I stumbled upon a great Monday morning exercise in gratitude. Every Friday, I would write down the names of three people that made a diffference to me that week (in my business life, for example). I might think of one of my coordinators, a supply partner or even an agent. Over …

Don’t pick unpopular business partners

Mark Cuban was right (again). GooTube is headed for some big trouble. When Google initially purchased YouTube, Mark said that they were crazy to buy that many lawsuits (I Still Think Google Is Crazy). Google shrugged, the market cheered and that was the end of it. Almost a month ago, Mark wrote a post on …

Bring a timer to your next meeting

As a speaker I am aware, more than ever, of time. All of my talks are given in the context of a conference or convention. If I talk too long, somebody else’s speech, lunch or breakout session gets crimped. That is not good for public relations. So I bring a travel alarm clock (easy to …