Don’t email your people this weekend

Do you remember the days where you had the weekends clear of “work chatter”? If no one had your home phone, you left on Friday and resumed your work life on Monday. Pagers came into our lives and began to erode this. Cell phone became popular in the late 80’s and eroded this sanctity further. …

Don’t get ticks on your business

I have a friend who’s attracted a few ticks into her life, and they are making her unattractive to do business with. In the last year, she’s picked up a manager, a publicist and a marketing consultant. While the marketing consultant and publicist have been a godsend to her business, the personal manager just ticks …

Psyche up instead of mutter

When you first get up, after you rub the sleep out of your eyes and have a cup of coffee, what’s your mental prep routine? Do you start to mutter to yourself about all your problems? All the people that make your crazy? All the stuff you have do today? Or do you psyche yourself …

Develope a sincere interest

One of my favorite sayings is an adaptation of a Dale Carnegie quote: “You will accomplish more in the next two months, developing a sincere interest in two people than you will accomplish in the next two months, trying to get two people interested in you.”  This has been my experience, not just in my …

Watch your funky deal flow

For many of you, life is a matter of deal execution. You make a deal and then keep it. A deal’s a deal, right? Wrong. Some deals are great (you are paid a fair or better than fair price for your efforts) and others are funky (highly discounted or underpriced). If you have too many …

Audit yourself: Last Friday’s sent emails

How is your tone of email? In other words, do you convey your intentions very well over email? Or do you behave like Larry David’s character on Curb Your Enthusiasm, ignorant of how crazy you make other people feel? Do you melt down sometimes and fire off mad notes and then forget about them? Dr. …

Be your own Simon Cowell

Sometimes you have to look into the mirror and say to yourself, “If I’m being honest, your behavior yesterday was GHASTLY!” It might do you some good. This morning I was on JB and Sandy’s Morning Show in Austin TX. They’ve been my friends for a few years now and big supporters of The Likeability …

Don’t go down alone!

I’ll never forget the first time I met Stan Woodward when I was working at Mark Cuban’s Mark brought him in as a seasoned exec (he had worked for Ascend, a major networking equipment company) to run the business services division. There were only about eight of us working in that group at the …

Paint it black

Many of us live on power point to make our points. Frequently, we might use a template that Microsoft or our company provides. Most of the time, the power point templates have a white or bright background with dark letters. All that white light on a screen (usually 30-60& of the screen doesn’t have text) …

Relax your shoulders and keep it real

I’m a big fan of American Idol. I’m not so hooked on the singers or even the format per se, but I love what the show can teach all of us about likeability. For the last few weeks, I’ve been doing radio interviews, making predictions about who would win this year and more importantly, who …