Stop hiring TO’s at your company

Terrell Owens looks GREAT on paper. He catches more touchdowns per game than almost any wide receiver in recent NFL history. TO is also a jerk to team up with. He’s demonstrated an ability to blow up healthy organizations from SF to Philly and maybe even Dallas. In my humble opinion, Bill Parcell’s retirement had …

Find the beauty in the beat

I’ve learned that sometimes the quickest route to a relationship is a mutual interest. Music is an incredible opportunity to do just that, because it can sell itself to anyone with an open mind and a song in their heart. I mean it. Anyone can be converted to respect your favorite band or song. And …

Do the travel two step safety dance

Many of you travel for your business life. We have very similar business related demands (early appointments, flights that cannot be missed, etc). Over the last few years, I’ve been collecting advice tips on how to travel with fewer hassles or calamities. One of my techniques I call the Two Step Safety Dance. The concept …

Boost your L-Factor, have a better life

Good things happen to people that make themself emotionally attractive! Some call them lucky, my research says there are actually likeable. When people understand this, they can begin to increase their emotional talent. When they start to boost this area of talent, their life changes for the better. In the Summer of 2006, I flew …

Check out your audience instead of yourself

Almost everyone has to give a presentation from time to time. Some of you will be asked to take the platform at a conference or a pulpit at church. Once you get over the sheer terror of it (I got over it as a lad in church), you start to look for ways to improve. …

Don’t forget to meet updated expectations

Change can kill you if you fail to meet updated expectations. One day you are money and tomorrow you are a cost center. What made you value-added yesterday (I know the Internet, dude!) makes you a face in the crowd tomorrow. So the game in your leadership life to is see what updates are coming …

Build a big network, then give it away

Most of us think of ourselves as great networkers. We collect business cards, carry a black berry and know how to use LinkedIn. But if our network is truly of value to us, why don’t we cultivate it? Why don’t we spend time and energy focused on growing the nodes (people) in our network, instead …

Check out 800 CEO READ for books

Readers are leaders. You’ll hear this often from me. The more you read about your world, your situation and your self; the more you grow and go. 800 CEO READ is a great source of business books. They have a great editorial style that selects only the most cutting edge provoking tomes of our times. …

Give your speech to change the world

A fundamental part of being effective at work involves giving presentations. Too many times we are either petrified or underachieve when we have a chance at the front of the room. Perhaps we aren’t thinking about the speaking opportunity in a big enough way. Maybe we think that the purpose of the next presentation is …

Reset an expectation this week

In your business relationship life, nothing is worse than missing expectations. But we do it all the time. We establish an expectation that we’ll finish our part of a project by Friday and routinely ask for an extension the following Monday. We get sloppy about missing our marks until someone gets bent out of shape …