Smile at the ticket counter

The next time you need a ticket counter person to give you a break, give her a break up front. Smile at her. Think of her as the person who will get you on the flight, get you a better seat or get you back home in time for your daughter’s recital. Don’t think of …

Plug into the new Soundsystem

I just received LCD Soundsystem’s new CD, Sound Of Silver, and I love it! I picked up the record after reading rave reviews on the new record, including a feature in the Seattle Times. This band is James Murphy’s bright idea. The style is dance punk or indie dance — either one works for me. …

Eat your own dog food

Quick dummy check in bizlife: If you work at a company that has customer support, call the number. Count the rings. If you work in retail, and its possible, go be a mystery shopper. If you sell a service, buy it and consume it. Everyone needs to do this often. I just visited my Ebay …

Reuse your paper

Very simple idea for the day, reuse. I was inspired reading a recent post on Seth Godin’s blog related to No Impact Man. I read the same article on the way back to the USA this weekend and I also think that this is a big deal. Use not, waste not, deplete not. These are …

Read up on the future

The one great thing about writing a book, it accelerates your reading. Besides the poring over thousands of pages of facts and figures, I read books to feed theory. You have to have a theory and it has to be solid. Nothing really changes but the circumstances and the context. So, I go back and …

Speak slowly and carry a big smile

Yesterday I gave a speech to a group of Scandanavian telecom execs in Helsinki. My good friends at Nokia invited me to keynote at their annual Winterconference client event. As I prepared for the trip and consulted with Erich Hugo from Nokia, he had one simple piece of advice for me: speak slowly. Everyone in …

Develop a “By Friday” habit

Many of us live most of our business life in a 90 day box. Others are lucky enough to live on a calendar year basis. I’ve worked in one sales organization that was fanatically driven by the weekly total. This goes back a few years, but I can remember it well: Three bad weeks and …

Lead a town hall meeting

Here’s an interesting thought for next week for all managers and leaders: Designate one hour next Friday for a town hall meeting. Include your reports, concerned parties and your boss on an email invitation. Allow any subject to be discussed in four ten minute presentations. Make it first reply, first reserve. When you conduct this …

Ping your network

In his book, Never Eat Alone, master networker Keith Ferrazi talks about the value of keeping in touch with your network via pings. What he means is that you need to reach out to all of your network nodes on a consistent basis to keep your network alive and well. I’ve found that a periodic …

Own your name dot com

One of the best business decision of my life was to buy back in 1999. Glad I did. There are many Tim Sanders in the world, but I own my name dot com. I own my advice blog’s natural name (Sanders Says) dot com too. Last year, Jacqueline and I cofounded Deeper Media. I …