The End Of Secrecy

One of my faithful blog readers (Allison Kanti) pointed me to a very thought provoking article (Getting Found Out Web 2.0 Style).  The point of the article is that you can’t hide anymore in the new digital world we live in. This is especially true if you are a proflific social networker and use tools …

Greening up the HR function

As I gear up for the relaunch of Saving The World At Work this fall (more on that later), I’d like to share a conference deliverable with all of you.  Yesterday, I conducted a Masters Series seminar for HR Florida, the Florida SHRM.  I love talking to my HR associates, I finished my career working …

Keeping focused in a distractive speaking environment

My last two speaking gigs have been concurrent session talks.  This means that I must compete with other seminars/panels and keynote for audience, noise-throughput and attention.  This is a highly unusual situation for me as I usually give keynotes during general sessions.  Given the state of the meetings industry, I’ll do keynotes, concurrent sessions, one-on-ones, …

Is email overload too much information?

Leave it up to researchers at Harvard to prove the impossible:Email overload is good. Harvard study suggests email overload gives us a unique perspective This, of course, assumes that the amount of information you absorb doesn’t wear you down mentally and trigger depression (see New Economy Depression Syndrome.) Up until that point, though, the research …

Have one more for the road

A call, that is. In California, driving while talking on a mobile phone (without hands free) is illegal. Hurrah! I wish they would have legislated against driving while talking on a mobile phone even with hands free. It’s not so much that one hand used to hold a receiver is the issue, its the distracting …

The Power Of Powerless Listening

For a few years, I’ve shared my story about the day I discovered the key to showing empathy to others. I shared it last week at a wealth management conference in San Diego and it resonated with the group — many clients were going through financial and emotional pain due to the recession. Relationship advice on …

Let your bizmates have their vacation!

When one of your biz partners (employee, vendor, coworker) is on his or her annual summer vacation – do them a favor and leave them alone! When I worked at Yahoo, I put my employee’s vacation days into my calendar to remind me to leave them off threads or BCC/CCs. When there was an email …

Twitter Tuesday thoughts (Volume 6)

Social media is truly shaping up as Web 2.0.  The original promise of the web is being delivered via new tools and a community of content. I was part of Web 1.0 (1996-200?) and while much has changed, the promise of the web stays the same. (Check out this slide from a 1999 Yahoo sales …

A prescription for worry or stress

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book, The Power Of Positive Thinking is packed with life changing ideas and easy to implement daily do’s.  One of them is simple: If you are worried, do something physical. According to Dr. Peale, you won’t get any better sitting and stewing!  So many people I talk to these days are …