Networking Mastery Tip: Expect Nothing In Return

Great networkers share one attribute: Generosity.  They put people together that “should meet” for the love of helping others and NOT to generate social debt.  They derive delight from knowing their networking efforts are multiplying value in others. This is perhaps one of the hardest things to grasp as a networker.  Often, we’ve been socialized …

What I Took Away From My Keynote Experience In Wisconsin

This Tuesday, I had the pleasure of being the opening keynote at the Cultivate Fox Cities conference in Neenah, Wisconsin.  What a great community of business professionals! They exhibit a set of mid-western values including a put-people-first mindset, a long view and pride driven tenacity.   Stanley Marcus Jr. counseled me to share my knowledge …

Do This If You Want To Protect Your Abundance Mentality

The abundance mentality comes from your belief that there is enough to share.  It drives your success in both business and life.  Without it, you possess the scarcity mindset, a primal way of seeing the world.  While racked with scarcity-think, you’ll hoard what you have, be jealous of those who are doing well and repel …

Are You Ready For the Fall 100 Day Dash?

It’s that time of year again.  We’ve rounded the corner of Labor Day and soon will be on the homestretch to 2014.  It’s a magical time of year where we are both busy, and at the same time, compelled to observe the conventions of holiday.  September and October for many of you will be the …

This Is the Only Way Your Company Has A Fighting Chance

A few weeks ago, I retweeted this Mark Cuban Twitter update: Challenge conventional wisdom. There is almost always a better way — Mark Cuban (@mcuban) August 10, 2013 I connected with what he was saying, and how important it is for us to progress past “what’s been working so far.” Too many leaders (and their …

Few Want To Buy From A Stuffed Suit, So Be Creative

If you are a creative person, don’t hide this fact in your sales life.  No one gets up wanting to buy something from a stuffed suit.  They’d love to do business with an artist who also sells or delivers a world-class product. You don’t need to stifle creative endeavors in your life.  They are your …

What Industry Leaders Can Learn From Kendrick Lamar

Earlier this week, a bombshell hit the hip-hop community when Kendrick Lamar unleashed a no-holds-barred calling out of several prominent contemporary rappers as well as the NY rap community.  It was the hottest topic for a few days on Twitter and had everyone from sports to politics weighing in.  Some of the artists he called …

How To Use Twitter To Improve Your Conference or Event

Last Friday, I spoke at an event in Chicago.  Afterwards, on the way to the airport, I checked the hashtag conversation to see how I did, and to answer tweets from the crowd. It’s exciting to know that you can get these insights so quickly!   As I combed through the conversation, I wondered whether …

Don’t Use Email As Your Shield, Pick Up the Phone!

About eight years ago, while working at Yahoo!, I developed a few rules of email etiquette.  Too many of our team mates were misusing email, or applying it in emotional clumsy ways.  Tempers flared, and I had to put out fires. It was a unique problem to this generation, where email became 75% of all …

Why Being Injury Prone Can Kill Your Career

Show me a ball player who injured most of the time and I’ll show you someone either on the trading block or moving towards retirement.  When someone develops a reputation for being injury prone, their stock plummets…along with their playing time.   Why? After a few injuries, people begin to wonder whether you really want …