Say yes,and instead of yeah–but

This weeks video post features the legendary marketing guru Joseph Pine (The Experience Economy). In 2002, he asked me to participate on the faculty at the annual Think About conference. This event, put on by he and his partner Jim Gilmore, is the premier experential marketing conference in the world. It attracts marketing pros from …

Review your personal resume

Jeremy Ring was an early stage Yahoo executive and worked for Anil Singh until about 2001. He was an operations czar and made the sales trains run on time. He had a strong point of view that people need to improve weekly, monthly and especially yearly. At a sales offsite in 2001, he posed the …

Connect your bizlife with purpose

I just received my copy of Purpose by Nikos Mourkogiannis, and I’m going to read it this week on a business trip to New York City. Two different friends recommended it to me over the last few months, so after some research — it looked like a big idea book. The premise of the book …

Get great new music from a Good Record company

This weekend’s post answers the eternal question: Where do you find out about new music? I get emails (from conact Tim at my official site) from readers all the time asking if I am part of a record pool or do I spend a small fortune on CD’s at Amoeba records in Hollywood. The answer? …

Participate in the end of sufffering (part two)

In my weekly video post, I argue that your success (as person, company or brand) will be determined by the quality of your mission statement, combined with your execution. Too many mission statements fail to guide us and few create community with others. If you apply the learnings of positive psychology or even the teachings …

Respect the law of the Long Arm

A recent USA Today article on cell-surveillance (cellveillance) explains how video cameras on cell phones will change the world as we know it, making all of us “passive papparatsi.” From the phone to to Entertainment Tonight to the nation—there is an emerging new power group on the scene. Call them the Smart Mob. They …

Write letters like Lincoln, to yourself.

At a recent speaking engagement in New York City, I got a good book tip and a great piece of advice from David Brown (Grand Pacific Resorts co-Pres): Take a lesson from Lincoln and send your nasty grams to yourself. In the book Lincoln on Leadership, author Donald Phillips describes how Lincoln wrote scathing and …

Don’t be just-for-profit

I wouldn’t want to be a just-for-profit company today. For them, profits are the endgame, and that just isn’t the current gestalt of society. Furthermore, these just-for-profits have a mission statement that basically says the following: Make the shareholders rich. These public just-for-profits suffer a disease I call “shareism.” Shareism is a form of mental …

Do business with the ED, not the ING

TK (Tim Koogle, former CEO and Chairman of Yahoo!) taught me several life/biz lessons in my short time knowing him in 2000 and 2001. He was the source of my Paul Galvin story (see earlier post, The Paul Galvin Story). One lesson he frequently taught regarded the selection of business partners. He said that he …

Don’t say no over email

This week’s video post comes from the USC Trojan campus. In this interview I talk about the appropriate use of email — given its inherent weakness in communicating one’s intentions. Please share this with your friends, especially if they are passive aggressive and hide behind their email. Check out my Ebay store for full length …