Connect your bizlife with purpose

I just received my copy of Purpose by Nikos Mourkogiannis, and I’m going to read it this week on a business trip to New York City. Two different friends recommended it to me over the last few months, so after some research — it looked like a big idea book. The premise of the book is that the starting point of great companies is purpose.

Todd over at 800CEOREAD is thinking the same thing about this book and wrote a great review. He also shared an important point of view, especially for small private companies: you have to understand your purpose, your role and where you add value for society. I love 800CEOREAD because they see themselves as a helper business — and that is their strength to me. Check out their blog for daily thoughts about great books and good business.

Recommended read: Books selected by Jack Covert at 800CEOREAD (Jack Covert selects).