What Super Connectors Do Differently Than Other Networkers

Throughout your career, networking has been recommended as a staple of success. So you attend conferences, meetings and parties in order to mingle.  As you travel for business, you seek out ways to network, from planes to restaurants. You overcome any introversion and find a way to talk up people you’ve just met. But my …

To Multiply Your Success, Bring This To Every Conversation

Years ago, I discovered a technique for converting every meeting, conversation or interaction into a success-building opportunity.  I followed a maxim, taught to me as a child: Everywhere you go, always bring a gift.  It had long been a part of my social style, but when I applied this to my business life, success quickly …

How To Effectively Network People Via Email

This note is for generous networkers that like to use email to glue together people that should meet.  In my first book, Love is the Killer App, I call this the 3-Way-Email technique.  It helps networkers make more connections than they can by arranging conference calls or meetings.   Over the last decade I’ve been …

An Investment Plan For A Strong Business Support Network

In 2002, when I published Love Is the Killer App, I proclaimed: “Your network is your net worth.” My point was that it was our greatest resource and number one fallback when times get tough.  Each one of us is part of a network of relationships, where we serve as a resource for each other. …

How Thanksgiving Can Supercharge Your Business Life

It’s only three weeks until Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays.  Most years, we huddle up with family and friends, and give thanks for the bounties in our life.  In too many cases, we are thankful for stuff: home, possessions, luxuries. In some cases, we are thankful for the people in our lives. That’s when …

Mastering the Lost Art Of Phone Excellence

More than ever, telephone mastery is the key to success. In my work, the phone is my number one tool to close deals, network, conduct deep research and build relationships.  It’s a magic medium that allows me to connect deeply without the time-space requirements of face to face meetings.  A phone call is much higher …

Networking Mastery Tip: Expect Nothing In Return

Great networkers share one attribute: Generosity.  They put people together that “should meet” for the love of helping others and NOT to generate social debt.  They derive delight from knowing their networking efforts are multiplying value in others. This is perhaps one of the hardest things to grasp as a networker.  Often, we’ve been socialized …

What I Took Away From My Keynote Experience In Wisconsin

This Tuesday, I had the pleasure of being the opening keynote at the Cultivate Fox Cities conference in Neenah, Wisconsin.  What a great community of business professionals! They exhibit a set of mid-western values including a put-people-first mindset, a long view and pride driven tenacity.   Stanley Marcus Jr. counseled me to share my knowledge …

When You Should Say I’m Sorry Instead of Thanks

When you hurt someone’s feelings at work, it’s too easy to try and smooth it over with an attoboy or platitude.  But is that really a relationship booster or just a band aid?  Most of my keynote talks are about how to create and maintain strong business relationships.  Most discussions focus on customer or teammate …