Work as platform to influence: The NBA

Here's a snip from my eco-Facebook site

Basketball is going from orange to green. 

This week, led by all-star Steve Nash, NBA is having it's first green week.  To honor this, league officials have conducted what I call "the green re-imagine" exercise.  Re-imagine your entire business operation as if green were the law OR the defining element of quality in the eyes of your customer. 

They approached it with Reduce (Energy, waste), Reuse, Replace (organic shirts) and Recycle (using recycled materials for shoes).  

While the NBA may not move the global needle, through their influence, it will make a difference.  I've learned the eco-compassion can be contagious — so what are you doing to get the word out front and center?

This meshes with the premise of my newest book (Saving The World At Work): We all have to find ways to re-imagine business operations — then push it out to the world to influence them to do the same.  This is the only way to build enough momentum to turn back the carbon tide.  Is your company doing something like this?  Post it in comments, and if I get a great example I'll blog about it at a major site such as Huffington Post (Green). 

PS – I've been hired by a variety of companies and associations to speak at their events about this topic.  If you are interested in more information about this contact me.