Presentation Materials from Connect 2018

It was my pleasure to speak to you today at the Connect Conference in San Antonio. I’m so happy to serve you in growing your business and protecting your client base. This short page will give you resources to help you make the leap from Optional to Essential.


As I said, “readers are leaders.” As you invest time in reading books related to your skills or the challenges that your clients have, you’ll become a better listener and deliver high Return on Attention in every client interaction. Download the book list here.


Your client is pursuing a goal in which financial planning is only a piece of the puzzle. The other unmet needs you don’t serve will create value gaps your competitors can drive a truck through. Meet with your team to discuss the higher order goals clients have, such as “Peace of Mind” or “Legacy” or “Family Security.” Identify all the solutions they need to achieve the higher order goal and stretch your thinking to go beyond what you can offer. Fill out this exercise to identify the network of referral partners or solution products you can give your clients to “connect the dots.”


When you can read emotions, you can dial into the deeper needs of a client and make an essential connection. Download this reading faces exercise to sharpen your ability to tell the difference between surprise, sadness and fear. And don’t forget to ask your Cetera contact about the Decipher tool, which will help your clients learn a lot about their emotions as they relate to money, planning, etc.

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