Listening in on the social buzz about YOU

Via Twitter and the blogosphere, you can learn a lot about your company and its products or services.  In addition to being an author/speaker, I’m also an internet strategy consultant.  Currently, I’m building a social media listening solution for a major financial services brand.  They want to tune into the conversation about their company and …

The value of going home: Pride

During the Labor Day weekend, I went home for my 30th high school reunion.   I’m from Clovis New Mexico, just west of the mid-Texas border.  In 1979, I was the class president and captain of the debate team.  It had been a long journey from the 8th grade, when I was the new kid …

The Recovery Is On!

Yesterday, I was the keynote speaker at the Los Angeles Business Journal’s annual CEO Forum.  The theme for the year was “The Recovery Is On!” In preparing my talk, I conducted some pretty deep historical research into previous recessions, and what real opportunities emerged from the carnage.  I found study after study that suggested that …

On the go? Call back your emailers.

I read an article a few years ago about a new work related illness — Black Berry Thumb. I could see this one coming. There are millions of people that are as obsessive compulsive as church rats when it comes to their emails. Six or seven years ago before mobile email, you hit the F5 …

Follow You Follow Me

One of the best ways (#2 to being helpful) to generating new followers on Twitter is to strategically follow others.  The general convention on Twitter is to reciprocate a follow (70% of the time or so). Often, you generate a relationship over time if your points of view resonate.  Who to follow, though?  As I’ve …

Three CDs that you need to buy

Mid-2009 is chocked full of great music releases.  My first two picks come from the CMJ Charts (where you can listen to entire albums free!).  This is a great resource to keep your finger on the button of what’s hot on college radio.  I’ve found that college radio will give you a glimpse into next …

A speech that’s changing the word (world)

Jonathan McCoy is a great public speaker.  He’s still in grammar school.  Yesterday, a friend pointed me to his six minute talk on YouTube.  It is rousing, convincing and a textbook case of speaking to change the world.  His diction, use of gesture and pacing is spot on.  The logic of the argument builds an …

Got shoes? You can change the world.

Last fall, I spoke at the annual Catalyst Conference.  It was October 9, the  market was tanking so fast cable commentators were taking about The Great Depression 2 nonstop.  At the time, people were feeling the effects of Wall Street’s collapse — all the way to Main Street America.   It was if everything we …

The Power Of One: The Don Ostler story

This is my final few days of the relaunch campaign for Saving The World At Work.  Please join me and win/help!  One point I make throughout the book is that  one person, through leadership, can change how his/her company does business. Today’s excerpt from the book focuses on the importance of patience, tolerance and  tenacity.   Don …

The value of quitting bad habits

According to Dr. Max Maltz in his classic self-image book Psycho Cybernetics, our habits are worn like garments on our personality.  Whether they are good habits (remembering other people’s birthdays) or bad habits (smoking), you wear them as a statement about who you are.  That’s why bad habits can hurt your self-image.  When you repetitively …